Dr. Virginia Banks headshot

COVID-19 stories from the front lines: Shining a light on health equity and mental health

In April 2020, Virginia Banks, MD, MBA, FIDSA, was giving a talk on COVID-19 to the National Association of Black Journalists chapter in Cleveland, Ohio, when a question stopped her in her tracks: “Are you aware of the disparities in COVID-19 cases among African American and Latino populations?” they asked.   An infectious diseases specialist in Youngstown, Ohio,…

COVID-19 stories from the front lines: Lessons learned from HIV and a diagnosis of COVID-19

COVID-19 stories from the front lines: Lessons learned from HIV and a diagnosis of COVID-19

The first role infectious diseases specialist Michael Saag, MD, FIDSA, played in the COVID-19 pandemic was that of a patient.   He had just arrived home in Alabama after a 20-hour car ride from New York City with his son, Harry, on March 12, 2020, when Harry spiked a fever. Within days, Dr. Saag also developed symptoms, and he and Harry both tested positive…

Vaccines 101: Celebrating Science’s Greatest Superpower

Vaccines 101: Celebrating Science’s Greatest Superpower

With diseases like polio and measles declared eliminated in the U.S. and smallpox eradicated worldwide, it’s hard to believe there was a time when these infections could be easily acquired. Many infections that once caused widespread illness and death are now simply anecdotes of the past, and at the heart of many of these successes are highly effective vaccines.  August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, there has never…

Adaora Adimora, MD, MPH, FIDSA: A Woman of ID

Adaora Adimora, MD, MPH, FIDSA: A Woman of ID

An experienced clinician and accomplished researcher, Adaora Adimora, MD, MPH, FIDSA, has spent her career studying the epidemiology of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in historically marginalized populations across the country. Her work is key to addressing racial disparities in health care, and the IDSA Foundation is proud to honor Dr. Adimora as a 2021 Women of ID honoree.  Former HIVMA Board chair, recipient of the 2020 HIVMA Clinical Educator Award and featured speaker for the Edward H. Kass Lectureship during IDWeek, Dr. Adimora serves as an educator and mentor…

ID specialists or PCPs: Who should manage HIV primary care?

ID specialists or PCPs: Who should manage HIV primary care?

When antiretroviral therapy first arrived in the mid–1990s, people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) required highly specialized care that demanded an awareness of the latest treatment agents, common drug-drug interactions and other HIV-associated complications and infections. This complex care was best handled by infectious diseases specialists, who had the specialty training and knowledge needed to give each patient the best chance at survival.   Today, a typical…

Serving the Underserved – Faces of ID: Teena Chopra, M.D., MPH

Serving the Underserved – Faces of ID: Teena Chopra, M.D., MPH

Do you think serving underserved and underrepresented populations is one of the most important issues facing our country?  Us too. And this doctor is doing just that.  This is an IDSA member who shares her time, talent and treasure with the IDSA Foundation. But that isn’t (exactly) what makes her special. What makes her special will be obvious…