IDea Incubator Sponsor Spotlight: How BLUE KNIGHT ™ Helps Early-Stage Ventures Grow

IDea Incubator Sponsor Spotlight: How BLUE KNIGHT ™ Helps Early-Stage Ventures Grow

The IDSA Foundation’s 2021 IDea Incubator in collaboration with Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS (‘JLABS’) offers more than just funding for big ideas in the field of infectious diseases. It provides a platform for sharing your innovation with the ID community and receiving valuable feedback from industry professionals. This year, there’s even more opportunity!…

IDea Incubator

IDea Incubator

A pitch-style  competition,  IDea Incubator encourages innovators and early-stage ventures with original inventions, products and ideas  with the potential to improve  ID  care to share their ideas with the ID community and judges in the business, medicine and technology industries.