Our monthly newsletter provides highlights from our top news and information regarding latest initiatives.
Give a gift that lasts: Support the next generation
of ID heroes!
As much as there is to be celebrated as the end of the year approaches, it’s more important to look ahead than behind. That’s why the IDSA Foundation has set an ambitious goal: to raise $50,000 by the end of the year to directly support our ID community at all career levels.
To meet this goal, we need your help. Thanks to the generosity of Ferring Pharmaceuticals, any gifts you make to the Foundation before Dec. 31 will also be doubled, allowing the impact of your support to spread even further.
When you make a special year-end gift to the Foundation today, you are doubling your investment in the ID heroes of tomorrow. Give today!
ICYMI:Watch HIV Speaks: History, Healing & Hope, a live webinar that brought greater attention to a disease that was once the leading cause of death for young people in the U.S.
In honor of HIV/AIDS Awareness Month, this insightful webinar, which is part of the Foundation’s recently launched Dr. John G. Bartlett Education Series, featured leaders in infectious diseases whose careers intersected the height of the HIV epidemic in the U.S. Watch now!
Honoring the 2021 Women of ID: Dr. Helen Boucher
If you’ve ever wondered whether a career in infectious diseases can involve stimulating lab work, a job at a major pharmaceutical company, your own clinical practice and a leadership position at an internationally respected medical center, all while balancing family and pursing your passion, ask Helen Boucher, MD, FACP, FIDSA.
Dr. Boucher’s work has taken her from a lab in Boston to consulting opportunities in the U.K. and now to Tufts University School of Medicine, where she was recently appointed interim dean. The IDSA Foundation is proud to honor Dr. Boucher as a 2021 Women of ID honoree.
Applications for the 2022 Grants for Emerging Researchers/Clinicians Mentorship (G.E.R.M.) Program are now open. HIVMA and the IDSA Foundation developed this program to provide grants to medical students interested in a career in ID or HIV medicine. Awardees will receive a $4,000 stipend to complete their project and will be paired with an IDSA or HIVMA member who will serve as a mentor. Medical students from populations underrepresented in medicine are encouraged to apply.
The deadline to apply for the program is Feb. 7, 2022. Email HIVMA staff with questions.
2021 Microbial Pathogenesis in Alzheimer's Disease Grant
As we prepare to announce the recipients of this year’s Microbial Pathogenesis in Alzheimer’s Disease Grant program in January, we’d like to recognize and warmly thank the members of our review panel for their thorough and thoughtful review of all 78 of this year’s submitted applications.
2021 Review Panel:
David Andes, MD, (co-chair), University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
Cindy Sears, MD, (co-chair), Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Brian Balin, PhD, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Barbara Bendlin, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Laura Cox, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Bhanu Priya Ganesh, PhD, UTHealth McGovern Medical School
Lindsay Kalan, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Angela Kamer, DMD, MS, PhD, New York University
Edward Mocarski, PhD, Emory University School of Medicine
Rodrigo Morales, PhD, UTHealth McGovern Medical School
Phillip Pellett, PhD, Wayne State University
George Perry, PhD, University of Texas at San Antonio
Federico Rey, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Sangram Sisodia, PhD, University of Chicago
Christoph Thaiss, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Tyler Ulland, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Venu Venna, PhD, UTHealth McGovern Medical School
Richard Whitley, MD, UAB School of Medicine
Keep an eye out in early January for the announcement of this year’s recipients and information on their respective projects!
A year in review: Top blogs of 2021
We’re committed to sharing insights from ID specialists across the country and providing the latest IDSA Foundation news. Check out our picks for the top five blogs of 2021!
The Foundation had much to celebrate this year, including its 20th anniversary, the impact the Foundation and its members have made in the past, and the part they are currently playing in mitigating today’s pandemic and preparing for the next. The 2019-2020 annual report celebrates these ID heroes by telling their stories – stories of facing their own fears, putting their own lives on the backburner and setting their own health aside for the good of those around them. Read the report today to join us in reflecting as the year comes to an end.
Learn more about how to become an IDSA Foundation Industry Partner today!