G.E.R.M. Program



Please review the applications requirements for medical student applicants and for their mentors below.
The deadline to apply is February 7, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST.

G.E.R.M. Program was developed to provide grants to medical students to support a longitudinal, mentored clinical learning and/or research project for up to a year on infectious diseases-related topics, including HIV, under the mentorship of an IDSA or HIVMA member. This program replaced the IDSA Medical Scholars and HIVMA Medical Students Programs.

The goals of the G.E.R.M. Program are to:

  • Increase interest among undergraduate medical students, particularly among populations underrepresented in medicine, in pursuing ID fellowship post-graduate training or a career in HIV medicine by:
    • Providing medical students with a mentor-based program to encourage and facilitate the pursuit of a career in the field of infectious diseases;
    • Increasing the number and diversity of ID and HIV research and clinical learning opportunities available to medical students, including through a diverse range of geographic settings, program sizes and academic foci; and
    • Providing ID and HIV research and clinical learning opportunities and mentorship and support to a diverse population of medical students, with a focus on those currently underrepresented in the field.
  • Support medical students in increasing analytical, research and clinical skills that will impact their future career trajectory.

Projects must focus on pediatric or adult infectious diseases, including HIV, and may involve either clinical or research activities. Eligible project categories include basic science, epidemiology/clinical research, medical education, structured clinical experiences and quality improvement/program evaluation. Awardees receive a $4,000 stipend to complete their project. 


Applicants must be medical students (first-, second- or third-year and those in combined degree programs, including MD/MPH and MD/PhD) from an accredited allopathic or osteopathic medical school in the U.S.

U.S. citizens and permanent residents pursuing medical school outside of the U.S. (including Caribbean and off-shore institutions) are also eligible to apply. These students should be interested in pursuing specialty training in the U.S.

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Get ahead of the process. Application requirements for medical student applicants and for their mentors below.

  • Preview the application before completing it online, and have a current CV ready for uploading as part of the application
  • Complete the online application, including uploading a current CV
  • Identify a mentor (contact germ@idsafoundation.org for help identifying a mentor)

Applicants should coordinate with their mentor to ensure the following are submitted before the application deadline:

  • Letter of support from an IDSA/HIVMA member agreeing to serve as a mentor for the duration of the project. Letters should not exceed two pages in length.
  • An NIH biosketch or CV (5-page limit) for the mentor.

Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance and novelty of the project topic
  • Structure of the mentorship plan
  • Interest in infectious diseases or HIV
  • Contributions to diversity, defined broadly to include populations underrepresented in medicine, geography, program size and academic foci
  • Strength of the project plan as it relates to increasing the applicant’s analytical, research and clinical skills

G.E.R.M. Program Proposal Writing Workshop Recording


Applicants must be medical students (first-, second- or third-year and those in combined degree programs, including MD/MPH and MD/PhD) from an accredited allopathic or osteopathic medical school in the U.S.

U.S. citizens and permanent residents pursuing medical school outside of the U.S. (including the Caribbean and off-shore institutions) are also eligible to apply. These students should be interested in pursuing specialty training in the U.S.

The scholarship activity must focus on pediatric or adult infectious diseases, including HIV, and may involve either clinical or research activities. Below are descriptions of eligible project categories.

Basic Science: Laboratory/bench-based or translational research, generally without direct patient interventions

Epidemiology/ Clinical Research: Patient-based clinical trials or research involving patient data

Medical Education: Curriculum or course development or intervention to improve medical knowledge for students, residents or providers. Generally involves an evaluation of the intervention’s effectiveness.

Structured Clinical Experience: Clinical experience with scheduled/planned mentoring experience with pre-post evaluations. Should have stated objectives.

Quality Improvement/Program Evaluation: Intervention to evaluate and/or improve upon an existing clinical program. Should generally follow the “Plan-Do-Study-Act” (PDSA) technique or a similarly structured evaluation method.

No, joint projects are not eligible for funding.

The letter of support should not exceed two pages.

Recipients of the G.E.R.M. Program grant will be notified in April 2024.

Yes, as long as the project is related to the field of infectious diseases or HIV. Please see the listing of 2023 awardees to see the types of projects previously funded.

Award funding may not be applied toward tuition, but funding can be used to defray living expenses during the project period.

Yes, you may still apply, but you should specify how the IDSA Foundation funding will enhance or extend the project or foster your ability to complete the project.

Members may not mentor more than one medical student during each grant cycle.


Medical students from around the U.S. submitted their applications to receive a $4,000 stipend for their ID/HIV research projects and to receive mentorship through the IDSA Foundation’s G.E.R.M. Program.

Each of the following 51 awardees brings a unique perspective and skill to the field of ID research.

Categories: GRANTS